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At the early age of 28, amongst the noise of my career in financial services, I had the realisation that I had to work on myself. Looking back, I am grateful that I made that choice to devote time to make my life better, otherwise, I wouldn’t be where I am right now. It helped support my personal evolution and success.

At 31, I was certainly successful, making more than what I imagined I would, making a steady climb up the corporate ladder and at 34, I was managing a 40-person team across Europe and the Middle-East. It was a male dominated profession and many admired my position and my achievements.

I had wealth. I had power. I was at the top – and yet I felt this was not enough. There was something missing and I was dead set on finding it.

My self-improvement focused on undergoing therapy, doing yoga, and meditating. The work I did helped me manage my team better and level up my emotional intelligence. It was clear that it made a big impact on my inner game, making me a better leader and a better human.

I became passionate about understanding what it would take to become a better human and discovering how one could heal, transform, and elevate themselves.

I am, at heart, a learner, an adventurer and a trailblazer – I wanted to explore.

When I was 36, I experienced plant medicine, culminating in a life changing Ayahuasca ceremony which truly opened my mind in terms of Consciousness. I realised the boundless possibilities of consciousness and how this can be the most advanced technology humanity has access to, especially in elevating oneself and stepping into your creative power. This experience accelerated my quest to understanding, practicing, and teaching consciousness.

What had started as a need for personal development, turned into a calling to share, educate, heal, and transform individuals. I wanted to support innovation and the transformation of people to a higher level of performance, fulfilment and success.

Along the way, I had tried everything – therapy, yoga, psychics, hypnotherapy, plant medicine and I encountered people who were disingenuous, scam artists and people who had no idea what they were talking about. What I needed was not there. But I could see how a system was needed that individuals could use to level up and live their best, most conscious life. So, I created it.

In 2012, my company was in the middle of a restructure and I seized this opportunity to embark on this new path.

Throughout my years in finance, I had mastered the art of identifying winners – studying companies and putting a price on their value. Always keen to support entrepreneurial initiatives, I invested in companies that provided me the opportunity to leverage my financial analysis skills to make a positive impact.

Being a sounding board for these businesses has always sparked a profound interest in me because I saw the opportunity to influence change and I still find great joy in it after 15 years and today I play that role in their businesses as a member of their executive board.

At the same time as I left the corporate world my marriage ended. Suddenly, I was a single mother worrying about a business that hadn’t taken off yet. I credit this challenge with fuelling me to tap into my business skills and use my strategic thinking to grow my business and make it work.

I believe that one of the highest forms of intelligence is being able to identify that you need help, and to ask for it – I learned this because I had to do it myself and saw how it can accelerate you on your path.

Although I was a business woman with high strategic thinking and business acumen, I needed guidance to learn about the coaching industry – to create a business and not a practice.

In 2016, I joined masterminds in the US, with coaches running successful businesses worldwide. I learned how to create the best results for my clients and realised the importance of having a great mentor and a supportive and aligned community around you.

I also chose US-based masterminds because it is where the industry is most developed with a more advanced mindset when it comes to coaching. It is seen as a “must have”, not a “nice to have” if you want to reach your potential.

I tried to learn as much as I could from these masterminds. I implemented the techniques that resonated with my vision and the rest is history. Conscious Leadership is a result of years of self-work, learning, and self-development. It wouldn’t be where it is now today if not for the challenges that I had to conquer and all the people that helped me along the way.

You can find out more about me and Conscious Leadership here:

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