London Daily News


What is London Daily News?

A news publishing platform with an unbiased writing ethic uninfluenced by traditional media or 3rd parties. Our site is not full of the clutter, banners or noise that so many other sites indulge – which means your content is viewed and consumed in its purest form, just as you intended. Welcome to London Daily News.

Why should I join London Daily News as a Contributor?

It is an opportunity for you to reach a new, wider audience and grow your social media presence, whilst educating and influencing our readership with the speciality and the content you provide.

How do I become a Contributor?

Simply complete the contributor sign up form and pay for your chosen subscription model.

How do I set up my profile and publish my articles?

Once you have signed up and paid you will receive a link to login into your dashboard, from here you can create articles, access our style guides and update your profile. Once you have created an article it will be sent to our editorial team for approval – once approved it will be automatically published and you will be sent an email notification to let you know it’s live.

Are there any guidelines Contributors should follow?

We have a Publisher’s user guide which tells you how to publish your articles and within this, there is a section called Editorial Style. Contributors are expected to follow this when publishing, it’s actually part of our Contributor Agreement and our overall Terms & Conditions on sign up, contributors are. These will not only tell you how to post but also give you great tips and insights on how to maximise your content impact and reach.

Can I publish content to multiple news categories?

We have two types of subscriptions: Agency can publish in all categories and Individual can only post in one category of their choice. NB: Agencies’ default category will be the one chosen upon sign up.

Can I publish as multiple Authors under one account?

Yes! Agency-level members can choose a different byline for each article and publish in all categories, however, at Individual-level can only post in one category and have a single byline.

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